Friday, November 01, 2019

Country rating in a changing global economy

The world economy is presenting an accelerated change. Protectionism, as the process of creating barriers to the trade flows, automation as a process of adopting technology, especially in manufacturing, digital data flows with globalized services, and climate change as a systemic risk, create an environment with unprecedented developments.
   The Drivers and Disrupters Report published by Bloomberg, on November 2019, explores which countries are positioned to seize the opportunities and which face heightened risks. The results show that from rising tariffs to rising temperatures, low- and middle-income countries face the biggest burden.
   The main finding: Catching up is getting harder. Low- and middle-income countries are, in general, poorly positioned to adapt to disruptions. Without an early and ambitious response forged at national and international levels, the number of countries moving from low- to middle-income status, and then on to high-income -already a limited number- could dwindle further.

Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Μάντζαρης, Dr. Konstantinos Mantzaris, Economistmk

Wishes for a day of happiness and adventure.

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