Wednesday, July 06, 2022

70% of business leaders believe AI is having a positive impact on business and employees

A new report from Yell titled “How Artificial Is Our Intelligence?” that focuses on the potential and the impact of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business has revealed some very interesting facts. Through AI it is possible to save time, money, and human working hours.

   In particular, the worldwide pandemic event has further escalated the speed of change. There are many forms of AI technology, such as mobile apps. Banking apps are the most popular AI technology now, used by 35% of UK business leaders surveyed and 58% of consumers.

    Interestingly, 29% of people were unsure and 42% said they would not feel comfortable purchasing via a voice assistant. This means that people cannot fully trust such AI tools yet. At the same time, only 11% of UK business leaders surveyed said that there were no areas of their business where they could see a use for AI technologies and AI-powered tools.

   Customer engagement, marketing research, business operations, advertising, financial reporting, talent management, hiring, and logistics are the business activities where AI will have a strong impact in terms of utility.

   Furthermore, 28% of respondents aged 25–34-year-old would prefer to speak to a chatbot than an actual human being. Online tools are extremely powerful; thus, businesses are using them in the context of websites, social media pages, and online branding.

   When asked if they thought AI would make a positive impact on them and their employees, 70% of business leaders surveyed agreed, with a third of these agreeing strongly (34%). Automating the management of basic customer service queries can save 7 hours (mean) per week, automating financial reporting about 6 hours and 55 minutes, automating marketing about 6 hours and 53 minutes, automating business operations insights about 6 hours and 49 minutes, and scheduling meetings about 6 hours and 47 minutes.

   Finally, 71% of business leaders surveyed predict that AI will help to make their businesses more profitable, saving even more than 48 thousand euros on an annual basis.

Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Μάντζαρης, Dr. Konstantinos Mantzaris, Economistmk

Wishes for a day of happiness and adventure.

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