Thursday, May 25, 2023

Developments in communication between businesses and individuals

Undeniably, major changes and development have been noticed in businesses and individuals’ communications in the last decades. Starting from the 90s, technology has been the leading factor for this revolution in the communications industry.

   Indeed, the global sphere is now technology-driven. For instance, the rise of the e-mail, the e-banking and online payment systems, big data schemes, crowd-sourcing investments through internet platforms, online shopping, the online entertainment spectrum, the mobile apps based on online services, the information stored on servers (available 24/7), even education or recruitment processes, all these examples are part of our online life.

   Global information is now in our pockets. With the help of a smart phone, we can do mostly whatever we want. We communicate directly with online services, without the need for agents. There is no need for a medium other than the business platform itself.

   Clients and business are now interconnected, exchanging critical information and confidential data. It means that there are concerns in terms of security and online criminal activity, but, without doubt, we must adopt online tools if we want to maintain our “existence” in this world.

   Multidimensional threats cannot stop this revolution, the fourth industrial revolution. However, the need for additional policies arising from such challenges is obvious, such as online morals, business ethics, consumer behavior, and new demanding corporate policies.

Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Μάντζαρης, Dr. Konstantinos Mantzaris, Economistmk

Wishes for a day of happiness and adventure.

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