Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Testing the "intelligence" of the well known ChatGPT of Open AI

I wanted to test the "intelligence" of the well known ChatGPT of Open AI. I used the 3.5 free version of it. Here is my question, and the answer of the AI. I tried to tackle AI's intelligence by a simple math trick, that is used commonly on IQ tests.

When it comes of blending the number value into something else, AI cannot understand this! I imagined that 3=1 and 2=3, so by calculating my question the result of 2+3 equals to 4, and not to 8, or even 6!

Maybe I had to be more clear to the AI, but hey, it is not my job! Do you think that under a fast-pace business environment the supervisor is always clear about what she or he wants, even by giving an example as I did to the AI? Nope!

We have to develop further the AI's capabilities. Thanks OpenAI for this chance! We have a lot to do together!

Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Μάντζαρης, Dr. Konstantinos Mantzaris, Economistmk

Wishes for a day of happiness and adventure.

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