Thursday, December 26, 2019

Αdvertisement for building a new town

Johns Manville Corporation published in 1912 an advertisement for building a new town, with around 7 large factories costing 5 million dollars benefited by 3 large railroads, at Hillsboro, Manville, New Jersey. Over 3,500 skilled laborers would be employed, and who wives and children would make an increased population of over 12,000 people requiring food, clothing, homes, raiment, and entertainment.
The company said that it was a great chance for bakers, grocers, butchers, plumbers, and general dealers, calling business people to be one of the pioneers. At the same time, JM provided new population and businesses with no interest, no taxes for one year, and no assessments.
More about Johns Manville case study here
Today, the United Arab Emirates is building a 354 million dollars city with driverless cars, greenhouses, and solar-powered villas. However, in recent years, similar city-from-scratch project in UAE such as in Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, ended up with only around 300 rich people residents, though it was planned for 40,000.

Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Μάντζαρης, Dr. Konstantinos Mantzaris, Economistmk

May today be a perfect blend of happiness and adventure.

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