Tuesday, May 25, 2021

List of great city innovations that we will see soon

Cities of the future can become an exciting prospect for everyone. Fossil fuels are not enough for human beings, as we expect to expand our activities considerably. Vertical cities can help improve the green side of our environment, while innovative energy solutions are the key for success in the future. It is not about ecology; it is about us!


e-Trees and e-Forests

As we all know, current electricity needs cannot be covered entirely through renewable energy sources. This means that we must exploit as soon as possible energy from solar, wind, hydro, ocean, biomass, geothermal, and other types of sources. A great innovation over this is the implementation of e-Trees. Particularly, trees with solar panels instead of leaves can provide a tremendous amount of electricity and a futuristic style to our cities, while these solar panel leaves follow the sun’s path from sunrise to sunset. Hence, they can provide charging stations for cars, free lighting, and other similar exploitation. A further step is the creation of e-Forests, as a great expansion for this idea.


Battery Buildings

Energy storage is the ultimate problem of our age, regarding on how we can store the energy not only for current use, but for future use. Thus, excess energy can be produced by solar panels or wind farms and then this can be stored in battery buildings, feeding back the national grid of energy whenever needed.


Roof Exploitation

The roof of buildings will be the key for energy exploitation. For instance, by building up it means that we can exploit wind power on the roofs of the buildings. Wind farms on the roof can be exploited to feed the needs of such buildings, thus they can be autonomous to a great extent. Additionally, water collection through rain is a very clever technique that we will see soon. Finally, buildings will incorporate solar panels into their walls to harvest energy, while many buildings will be underwater as an attempt to exploit water benefits.


Ground for People

As we are building up rather than out, cities will have enough space for other important parts of daily life, such as leisure and clever transportation. Our cities will become safer, green, bright, clever, and useful for us instead for the mainstream exploitation of current resources. Now, we design cities as soon as we find another need, but we do not create plans. This must be changed!


Air Transportation

We will use the ground for cars and motors however we will use the air at the same pace. Flying cars will change our traveling forever, while delivery drones automated to serve anything anywhere will solve the last mile delivery process. At the same time, on the ground, driverless cars such as taxis will be used from everyone in the clever city. Also, hypersonic flights will replace traditional aircrafts and methods of traveling. Furthermore, it must be noted that there are many implementations in terms of exploiting the depth of seas for storage and transporting goods.


Medicine in Next Level

What about pandemic events? Ok, this part of the future is more than exciting with biology and drugs on the next level. However, we must note that additional effort is needed to avoid any side effects. We will incorporate to our bodies various technologies, from microneedles, nanorobotics, and other tiny tech such as microscopic engines maneuvered by ultrasound manipulation. However, we must be careful! The volume of such changes is great, considering that mass production would enable up to 100-150 billion nanorobotics injected at a time to treat diseases. We will train the immune system with smart vaccinations, while memory cells will be smart cells in terms of transmitting information through technological innovations.


AI and an Augmented World

Would you adopt a package of smart lenses? The latter is about contact lenses that display information such as weather, news from internet, a calorie counter, GPS information, and the names of routes. In practice, they are computers on a nano size. You will use them for everything you want. Thus, cities will be clean, but when you wear the lenses then you will see through augmented reality all the ads on streets, information about routes, museums and sightseeing, roads, hotels, shopping, prices, and so on. Also, smart factories, smart houses, smart farms will change our abilities in terms of producing goods and services. We will use AI brains to generate various algorithms and improve the quality and quantity of information. Furthermore, electronic tattoos will become popular in terms of easing the process of tagging people. Under-skin lights will be used for various purposes, and fingerprint magnets will be the keys for many “doors”.


Food Printing and New Habits

Printing allows us to remove any geographical barriers. This means that we can print blueprints for machines, food for restaurants, and still, a document copy on A4 size paper. Be alerted that insects will be used as high protein and ecofriendly first material in comparison to chicken etc., thus future ingredients such as flour will contain such protein without the consumer knowing what she/he eats. Genetically modified food is another thing that will be used broadly. Also, underground farms are expected to become extremely popular.


5G… what about 7G, 10G?

The 5G protocol will have instant benefits for everyone. However, what about the next generations? What about the 10th generation of internet protocols? Smarter roads, smarted machines, cars, better business, autonomous robotics, fast tech, reliability, and massive connectivity. Everything is perfect, until someone uses the data to the opposite direction.

Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Μάντζαρης, Dr. Konstantinos Mantzaris, Economistmk

Wishes for a day of happiness and adventure.

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