Friday, August 20, 2021

A rational COVID-19 vaccination strategy for HRM

We must be honest on this topic. Whether employers encourage or even require employees to get the vaccine of the COVID-19 virus, they need a rational and sustainable plan.

   However, this plan cannot be based on anonymous data collection. And most importantly we cannot set a plan covering just the thoughts of employees and not science results. Studying the following table on how many hospitalizations and deaths have involved fully vaccinated people is a great measure of how well the vaccines are working (whether we agree on a general vaccination program).

    It is better to encourage people to get the vaccine. Not only for COVID-19, but generally we must have a vaccinated workforce for all the approved vaccines in the world. Employers cannot require a strict vaccination program easily, as it is a matter of official authorities and the state. Managers is recommended to receive feedback from employees, evaluate and consider their thoughts, so they can be equally treated within business decisions.

   A mandatory vaccination policy would pose a significant risk of making the work environment unpleasant for a few individuals. But we must note that people who think the vaccine is not good, or it is not required to put an end to this, or any other pandemic event would harm the health or safety of the others.

   Also, personally I do not think that incentives based on money can trigger the interest of people to get their vaccine, or at least this strategy is not reliable in long-terms. I believe that these incentives must be based on other benefits, such as understanding why we do get a vaccine and primarily how it can be good for our health. Other benefits can include free access to services and goods such as a free business meal, but please set the health topic and its implications as a priority!

   In any case, a vaccine reduces absences due to sickness and doctor visits, improves health, convenience, and improves morale, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Serious coronavirus infections among vaccinated people have been relatively rare, while fully vaccinated people have made up as few as 0.1% of and as many as 5% of those hospitalized with the virus in most states (see table), and as few as 0.2% and as many as 6% of those who have died.

   Hence, a rational vaccination strategy for human resource management includes a plan on how to explain to people what the vaccine offers to them and how it can protect them. Do not connect any vaccine with money and personal benefits other than health. This is critical to understand!

Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Μάντζαρης, Dr. Konstantinos Mantzaris, Economistmk

Wishes for a day of happiness and adventure.

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