Friday, February 11, 2022

New digital monitoring law for the workplaces in New York

Employee monitoring in United States is a completely legal action. The state of New York will apply the new digital monitoring law very soon. Actually, it goes into effect on May 7, 2022. So, what a digital monitoring law is? How will employees benefit from this law change?

   This law for digital monitoring means that there is a requirement for employers to disclose how they electronically monitor their employees. Employers must state what employee data is being collected and by what means. The law applies to any business with employees in New York, regardless of business size or any other criteria. Violating this law leads to fines up to 3,000 dollars US.

   Employers subject to the law must provide notice to employees upon hiring. In particular, any employer who monitors or otherwise intercepts telephone conversations or transmissions, electronic mail or transmissions, or internet access or usage of or by an employee by any electronic device or system, including but not limited to the use of a computer, telephone, wire, radio, or electromagnetic, photo-electronic, or photo-optical systems, shall give prior written notice upon hiring to all employees who are subject to electronic monitoring.

   Further transparency as a matter of law is critical worldwide, thus all countries should enhance their law tools to promote efficient corporate policies and business ethics following this new digital era. The new legislation seeks to balance an employee’s right to privacy and an employer’s right to monitor computer activities and telephone usage within the organization. Human resources must feel and be safe in a workplace.

Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Μάντζαρης, Dr. Konstantinos Mantzaris, Economistmk

Wishes for a day of happiness and adventure.

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