Friday, September 09, 2022

Guide on how to choose between two or more job opportunities

During the process of searching for a new job it is possible to end up with multiple options. This means that you can be both exciting and stressful, concerning your needs, the environmental factors, and the actual plan that you want to develop for your career.

   Several work positions can present similar duties, as well as benefits (not only in financial terms). However, many other aspects can influence your choice. You must create a personal scorecard to evaluate the offers and your actual needs. You can weigh the attributes of your scorecard, in a way that serve your own needs. For instance, if you have a long-term vision for your career, you must consider mostly the length of the contract.

   You must choose the position that will bring you the most satisfaction, fulfilling your aims, and making you greater as human being. Hence, you need to make a comparison between the job opportunities you are dealing with, as an attempt to concentrate on your needs, and not to what others are offering.

   It is critical to analyze a job offer in a variety of factors. At first, undoubtedly, it is important to consider the location of the work. Moving to a new place can end up being very stressful, so it is crucial to study about the place of the provided job opportunity. The following questions may help you discover your needs.

  • Do you want to relocate?
  • What this relocation means for your own family (partner, children)?
  • Will you miss your family, your friends, and even your current home?
  • Are you suited for that city (country)?
  • You prefer living to a bigger or a smaller city?
  • Is this area the one that you can see yourself in?
  • What about the commuting time (the normal time spent traveling from home to work)?
  • Do you have a deadline of consideration?
  • Do you have enough time to think about your next move?

   Additionally, the compensation package consists of a significant factor. You cannot live without an income, given the construction of our world economy. Consequently, the job must be paid enough for living, plus offering capital for developing yourself, given the time needed for work.

  • What about the work schedule?
  • How many hours you will need to work?
  • Is the compensation package matching the work you will provide?
  • Will you have a flexible enough schedule?
  • What about health insurance and paid time off?
  • Will you be able to have a well-developed work-life balance?
  • How your day-to-day life will be? What will you do?
  • What lifestyle you want to have?

   Another important factor to consider, is the length of the contract. Usually, we need more than two weeks (more than a month in some cases) to feel part of the business culture. Sharing company values is not an easy process, and you must evaluate these values whether they are aligned with your own personal choices. Being happy at work is extremely important!

  • How much this job will last?
  • Will you have a short-term or a long-term job?
  • Does this job fulfil your long-term career ambitions?
  • Will you have a personal growth potential?
  • Are the company values aligned with your own choices?
  • Is the company culture enough creative for your thoughts?
  • Does the company have a good reputation?
  • Which areas of your personality will be affected?
  • What about job security?
  • Are there any job alternatives in case you lose this position?
  • If yes, are these alternatives feasible in terms of hiring?
  • Do you have a plan b, c, or even d if something goes wrong?
  • What are your priorities in life?

   Your personality is a determining factor. It can influence your career in a way that benefits your lifepath. Choosing of the right career is not an easy task. You must be a self-motivated individual searching for answers, not the one who simply follows the needs of others.

   You do not have to work somewhere because they need your skills. Instead, you choose to work somewhere because you want to create valuable goods and services and develop yourself further. A job opportunity is enough to start considering about, however your own well-being is a much more crucial factor.

   Driven by your needs, the trends shaping the future of work, such as technological progress, the demographic change, the globalization effect, the quality and quantity of jobs, the change of values and norms (individual preferences and societal values), the social security, and the employee voice, you must develop a personal plan concluding what is important for you. Do not get blinded by a salary and benefit packages.

   If it is possible seek for advice. Ask colleagues, or people working for that company. Request a meeting and use the online tools available to overcome barriers. It is better to have a written dialog, or to receive e-mails, so you can read this information as many times you want.

   In conclusion, is this job a dream? You are dreaming of working, or you are dreaming of having a nice and valuable life! Thinking on a long-term basis, means that each career decision you make will have an impact on your long-term career ambitions. It is vital to make the right choices. Follow your heart, your instinct, your mind; consider a combination of all these factors! Make your happiness a priority!

Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Μάντζαρης, Dr. Konstantinos Mantzaris, Economistmk

Wishes for a day of happiness and adventure.

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