Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Human brain basics for human resources

The human brain is one of the most amazing puzzles of all time. Scientists around the world are trying to understand how it works and how it operates in real-time scenarios. The human brain contains an estimated 86 billion neurons, each one of them connecting with thousands of other neurons!

   This number of neurons is responsible for the uniqueness of everyone. It is important, because each one stores memories in a little different way, everyone can learn by using a different portion of their brain capacity, while our personalities are shaped in a unique way as well. Understanding how that happens is a huge challenge.

   Furthermore, if we consider that these 86 billion neurons are weighing in at around 1.5 kilograms, it means that it is hard for the scientists to discover everything about the human brain. Even great thinkers and philosophers of Ancient Greece back in time by 2,500 years or so, they were exciting on the brain miracle! They tried to understand it, but in practice it was impossible to generate accurate results in terms of brain operations.

   Also, there is a clear distinction between being left or right brained. But what does this mean? The one side of our brain is responsible for being rational and logical, while the other one is important to be creative and free-spirited. The left side deals with logic, reason, and language, while the right side helps us in the context of our emotions and impulsiveness.

   Both sides of our brain are constantly sharing information via the corpus callosum, us it called. This communication bridge forms the way we think, the development of our reasoning, while driving our emotions and willingness. We cannot stop this interconnection of the two sides, as they are both critical for us.

   The crucial difference is that everyone develops a little bit different level of brain capabilities, thus we are unique, and we operate in a distinct state of understanding. For instance, the brain of a woman is on average around 10% lighter than the one of a man. However, this does not mean that a woman cannot be smarter than a man. The process of brain exploitation is quite more important than the weight of the brain an individual brings.

   Another very interesting part of our brain story is the process of remembering the past and imagining the future. Our experiences are part of our brain, and through this we can work more efficiently, having a meaningful conversation with consistent thinking, and developing our skills. Individual memories are stored in groups of neurons. The capability to memorize a situation differs for everyone.

   A great example in terms of our memory is our effort to remember a phone number. We usually separate a 10-digit phone number into smaller groups, such as by saying 123, 456, 78, 90. This process helps us to remember the number, without loss of information. Also, repeating the information is an important step as an attempt to finally memorize the information to our brain cells.

   Our short memory is critical for tasks, especially in the work environment, or even while doing homework. However, long memory is the key for long-term success. Memories can influence our behavior. Human resources are responsible for a variety of tasks that need human thinking.

   Hence, it is critical to develop a good memory in terms of experience, a well-cultivated interconnection between the right and the left side of our brain, and finally we must emphasize the importance of forgetting! Yes, indeed it is vital to forget things, as a process to clean our mind, retain the good information only, so having a healthy memory. We cannot choose what to forget, but time helps us to forget things that it would be better not to try to remember.

Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Μάντζαρης, Dr. Konstantinos Mantzaris, Economistmk

Wishes for a day of happiness and adventure.

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