Always aim higher! Above the clouds, above the problems, find your way to make yourself happier, even by watching this great view! Happiness is easier to achieve when you want it! Take it easy, you (we) are not perfect! Enjoy!
Always aim higher! Above the clouds, above the problems, find your way to make yourself happier, even by watching this great view! Happiness is easier to achieve when you want it! Take it easy, you (we) are not perfect! Enjoy!
"Στο κυνήγι της αμοιβής, το ανθρώπινο ένστικτο μεταμορφώνεται, και καταλήγει στην αποδοχή της αλαζονείας ως μορφή εξουσίας στην καθημερινότητα."
HRM and Business Administration, PhD, IMBA, BA
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