Sunday, January 25, 2015

Comment on These Greek elections are extremely critical for Greek people

(Economistmk) - These Greek elections are extremely critical, as they will elect the next political scene on financial crisis. Greek people are again in a dilemma, either choose the progression of austerity policies (New Democracy party), or invest on a socialist plan inside European Union and the eurozone (SYRIZA party).
   As Greek, we have to collect all the past experiences, and move forward to a new era of democratic procedures. We want a social government, thinking more about the reality and focusing on the people, putting political cost as the second factor.
   The new government must implement another practices, hence the wages will stabilize at a sustainable level, and unemployment will at least starting decreasing. Despite the borrowed amount of 240 billion euros from the ECB, the EU and the IMF, there are many financial elements in order to cope in crisis after six years of recession. We have to make the right choices now, else the crisis will be expanded more the next years.
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Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Μάντζαρης, Dr. Konstantinos Mantzaris, Economistmk

Wishes for a day of happiness and adventure.

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