Some self-called human resources (HR) professionals or self-called top advisors on HR topics tell people that using standard resume templates, such as Europass, is useless. This is dramatic advice to consider. A resume must be comprehensible and clear so the software or the smart robot that a company uses for hiring can read it and decide properly. This is the reason why many recruiting techniques require candidates to fill specific fields of resume achievements, rather than uploading a file such a PDF or a WORD document.
Thursday, June 29, 2023
Monday, June 12, 2023
Artificial intelligence boost unemployment through hiring
Unemployment is not only a local issue of a given state. There are tens of millions of unfilled jobs right now worldwide. Thus, why there is unemployment? Why people are not able to find their next job? Is education the major problem for this situation? What about technology?
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Developments in communication between businesses and individuals
Undeniably, major changes and development have been noticed in businesses and individuals’ communications in the last decades. Starting from the 90s, technology has been the leading factor for this revolution in the communications industry.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Conflict management and human resources
Human resource management (HRM) can be defined as the design of formal systems in an organization to ensure effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish business goals. However, most of the time it is inevitable to create a business environment without any conflicts.
Wednesday, May 03, 2023
Testing the "intelligence" of the well known ChatGPT of Open AI
I wanted to test the "intelligence" of the well known ChatGPT of Open AI. I used the 3.5 free version of it. Here is my question, and the answer of the AI. I tried to tackle AI's intelligence by a simple math trick, that is used commonly on IQ tests.
When it comes of blending the number value into something else, AI cannot understand this! I imagined that 3=1 and 2=3, so by calculating my question the result of 2+3 equals to 4, and not to 8, or even 6!
Maybe I had to be more clear to the AI, but hey, it is not my job! Do you think that under a fast-pace business environment the supervisor is always clear about what she or he wants, even by giving an example as I did to the AI? Nope!
We have to develop further the AI's capabilities. Thanks OpenAI for this chance! We have a lot to do together!
Friday, April 07, 2023
Organizational turnaround management: from the “as is” to “to be”
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
The most valuable thinking skills you can develop
Do you want to identify the implications of a new scientific theory for product design? Can you develop a plan to provide emergency relief for a major metropolitan area? Are you capable of redesigning the floor layout to take advantage of new manufacturing techniques? Can you identify alternative approaches on a variety of topics? Do you have the skills needed to review corporate productivity and develop a plan to increase it?
Thursday, March 09, 2023
The most important social skills you can develop
Wednesday, March 01, 2023
Stop using time allocation difficulties as an excuse
Can you create time? Or you rely on the clock only? What I mean is that when you want you can create the conditions in order to talk to someone, or to do something. No matter of the 24 hours of a day, you can definitely manage your time in a way to be to your best interest.
you don't want to talk to someone, or if you want to avoid doing a task
is another story. I recommend to stop using time allocation
difficulties as an excuse for communication and task management. We have
to be honest, clear, and express our needs in a fair way!
Friday, February 24, 2023
Where to save my data, on a hard disk drive or a solid-state drive?
On this article the benefits and disadvantages of both the hard disk drives (HDDs) and solid-state drives (SSDs) will be analyzed. Both categories of storage can be used in terms of running an operating system, such as Windows, or to save our valuable data. But which one is the best for us?
Thursday, February 09, 2023
Backup your digital files whether business or personal
Losing digital data nowadays can end up being a nightmare. Our lives are part of digital content, as we store documents, photos, videos, and a variety of other useful datasets. Therefore, always make sure that a second copy is made on any other media you might choose. The type of backup is less important than having that second copy available. Always backup your files to prevent data loss in case of drive failure. It is critical to know that files can get corrupted, and hardware can fail no matter how new or reliable a device is.
Wednesday, February 08, 2023
Always aim higher! Above the clouds, above the problems.
Always aim higher! Above the clouds, above the problems, find your way to make yourself happier, even by watching this great view! Happiness is easier to achieve when you want it! Take it easy, you (we) are not perfect! Enjoy!
"People management would be tedious if individuals were the same."
Dr. Konstantinos Mantzaris
HRM and Business Administration, PhD, IMBA, BA
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